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~ Brings a revitalizing energy to the soul. This stone carries a vibrant energy which will help to boost your vitality, stamina and motivation

~ Helps with your self-confidence, awaiting you to transform into the person your heart has always wanted to be

~ Encourages you to take bold action. Let your fears go in the process

~ Increases your drive and motivation and leaves behind procrastination

~ Helps to call in success and abundance

~ Representing the sun, it brings the warmth of the spirit

~ Associated with the colour of fertility and the sacred power of women

~ Also associated with the colour of sexual energy, it will help you to enhance but balance this energy

~ Helps when trying to reach the depths of a deep meditation

~ Assists in approaching things practically

~ Helps add stability and grounding into your life which also helps you to maintain a balanced state of mind

~ Helps you to react with kindness


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