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~ Brings serenity, tranquillity and calming energies

~ A spiritually evolved stone, combining the fluidity of water and the stability of Earth

~ Assists in times of change, helping to restore harmony

~ During changes, it encourages you to approach things with an open heart and mind

~ Brings in the energy of new beginnings

~ Increases your capacity to love with an association to the heart chakra

~ Gently draws away negativity and purifies your energy field

~ Helps empower feminine energy in both men and women

~ A powerful healing stone and will help to help emotional wounds. Bringing back emotional balance

~ Emotions may be deeply buried so these are brought to the surface to heal

~ It will help you to communicate and express your ideas clearly

~ With the energies of both Chrysocolla and Malachite, it encourages your personal power and self-awareness. This will help you to recognize your inner strength


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