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Verdant Harmony

Verdant Harmony


~Balances your emotions, helping to soothe any emotional turbulence

~ Brings a sense of calm to your atmosphere

~ If you’ve built up anger and resentment, it helps to dissipate these feelings and transmute them into others, like forgiveness and understanding

~ Just like it’s gorgeous green hues remind us of nature, it’s said that this stone will provide you with a strong sense of connection with nature

~ Excellent if you’re somebody who likes to work with nature spirits or if your spirituality is centred a lot around Earth

~ Intuition and empathy are enhanced which allows you to understand yourself and others more deeply

~ If you’re looking for spiritual and personal growth, try welcoming this stone into your life

~ Associated with joy and creativity, encouraging joy in the moment



~ This crystal is a combination of Amethyst and Citrine so it carries the properties of both of these plus more

~ It promotes healing and works on connecting the physical realm with higher states of consciousness

~ Brings a sense of calm to the mind which helps you get into a deeper state of meditation

~ With its sense of mental clarity, it brings balance and harmony to your perception

~ Affective in protecting the carrier against psychic attack

~ Brings to surface the root causes of emotional unrest which can help you to heal

~ Facilitates transformation, getting you ready to shift your everyday reality into a higher state of awareness

~ Helps to cleanse the body of unwanted energies hooked into your aura

~ This energetic crystal encourages creativity and to use it to take control of your life. Share your creative gifts with the world

~ It unites feminine and masculine energies

~ Helps to stay optimistic even through stressful times

Things to know about your jewellery:

- Every piece is adjustable (except rings)

- To help with the longevity of your jewellery, avoid showering and especially the ocean. Some minerals are soft and can be damaged if excessively worn in salt water

- Crystals love to be loved. Pop it under a full moon to cleanse

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