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She’s a Gypsea

She’s a Gypsea

Things to know about your jewellery:

- Every piece is adjustable (except rings)

- To help with the longevity of your jewellery, avoid showering and especially the ocean. Some minerals are soft and can be damaged if excessively worn in salt water

- Crystals love to be loved. Pop it under a full moon to cleanse



~ A high-vibrational stone that carries a deeply nurturing feel

~ A stone that radiates love

~ Harmonizes your body and soul to new vibrations. Excellent for meditation

~ Guides your soul on its true path

~ Awakens inner wisdom and removes self-sabotaging behaviours

~ Stimulates creativity and brings a joyful, child-like energy

~ Connects to the energy of the Earth Goddess and nature

~ Excellent for Earth evolution & healing

~ Helps manage stressful situations by approaching them with a clear and composed mind



~ Referred to as the gems of the sea, almost like a mermaids treasure

~ They have been treasures for centuries due to their beauty

~ Like the Mother of Pearl, they symbolise innocence and purity

~ Used in wedding or other ceremonies to represent these qualities

~ Encouraging a pure heart and mind

~ Said to soothe emotions and anxiety. They exude a very calming effect

~ Associated with wisdom acquired through experience

~ They help you acquire a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you, through your trials and tribulations

~ Representing honesty and integrity. Encouraging you to show up with truthfulness and transparency

~ Thought to provide balance to your bodies natural rhythms

~ They are linked to feminine energy. Popular for women seeking to enhance their feminine energy

~ Promoting deeper connections in loving relationships

~ Through the cycle of a Pearl, they symbolise transformation and growth

~ Calling in prosperity and good luck

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