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The Heart is a Temple

The Heart is a Temple

Things to know about your jewellery:

- Every piece is adjustable (except rings)

- To help with the longevity of your jewellery, avoid showering and especially the ocean. Some minerals are soft and can be damaged if excessively worn in salt water

- Crystals love to be loved. Pop it under a full moon to cleanse



~ Promotes the love of truth

~ Provides heart chakra activation and opens your heart to new relationships and enhances existing ones

~ Enhances your connection with nature and the natural world, bringing you a sense of harmony with the environment. Encouraging your ecological awareness

~ Brings optimism and joy. Teaching you to approach life with light-heartedness

~ It helps you to recognise that you’re part of the bigger picture/divine whole

~ Unblocks egotistical motives that affect your development and promotes personal insight

~ Aligns your ideals with your behaviours

~ Promotes self-acceptance and acceptance of others

~ Heals your inner child and emotional wounds that you’ve been carrying with you

~ It encourages you to release them, along with feelings of bitterness/fear etc

~ Associated with prosperity and abundance

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